Friday, June 7, 2013


The weather is getting warmer - we turn our attention to the yard and garden.
We want our outdoor living space to be as welcoming as our indoor space
A good start is to hang a "Welcome Sign", or other Signs  - display Letters -  arramge your plants in colorful
boxes  etc.
a few examples...........

PICKETT WELCOME    $25.00                                WELCOME TO OUR HOME  $20.00
shown in Yellow with black stenciled letters                   shown in White with red stenciled letters

Garden letters - (G in bead board, Wooden Flower attatched) - $18.00  [in stock]
Assorted Flower Boxes - made to order - prices vary
Box style with side handles and Stenciled words
Pickett style with "flowers flowers flowers" stenciling

Monday, June 3, 2013


Summer time = AMERICANA!

A lot of people leave Americana Decor up year round - I do sometimes - but Summer  is always a great time to display your Patriotic values!

I love to Stencil  - just added this stencil to my collection.....
Pledge of Allegiance - set of 2 12x12 plaques - distressed edges
makes a perfect gift year round!

I love this little "Rustic Flag Hanging"
saw one like it on Pintrest - had to make one - changed it a little bit
a great way to use odds and ends from my wood pile

Here are a few  more of my designs available...... Order your way or maybe get some great ideas to do on your 
                                                                 own - let me know if you want instructions

                                  Prices will be added later - in the mean time just contact me

USA Chubbs  -  $15.00

Big Flag project we are doing for our Midnite Maddness Craft get away
Friday, June 14th  8:00-mid night   Cost $25.00 include all supplies, Food, Fun
we have a couple of more spots open (as of today June 3)

I will post pictures of all the fun we have!

Great ideas you can craft yourself - let me know if you want

of course everyone loves letters -
Set of Liberty shown - $18.00 finished
Kit only - $10.00

I have a whole collection of long skinny Welcome signs
(to fit between my front door and little window)
this is one of my favorites - does not say Welcome, but "Freedom"
is a perfect Summer sentiment - can be order horizontal also
FINISHED   $25.00

KIT               $15.00 
(includes flag, star, board and letters)