Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ongoing Remodel

I have been working on our main bathroom remodel for a few months - catching an hour here and there
My goal is get it completed before our next RANSOM.MADE EVENT which is October 11th and 12th - just around the corner!
so far I have (well we have, George helped)....removed wallpaper, mirror, lighting and flooring
                                                                     painted, added new mirrors, and new lighting
                                                                     removed paint from vanity
                                                                      removed cupboard doors, and
                                                                      fronts from drawers

Next step is - stain vanity, cupboard doors, and drawer fronts a lovely rich dark stain
then all we have left is tile on the floor!    here are pictures!

 removed large mirror that went clear across the 2 sink vanity
 removed lighting - which I really liked, but was outdated
 removed my favorite yellow plaid wallpaper - yup outdated

                               stripped the yellow paint from the vanity
                               removed the wood floor - which I laid and
                               finished myself during the last renovation


  tapped off the tile for protection while stripping

Stripped 3 layers of paint - one layer of stain (we have lived her 26 years )

new door fronts, and cupboard doors to be stained - they are beautiful!

new paint, new curtains
new lighting
and new mirrors
it is looking good !